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As a business professional you need to make decisions regarding topics that you know, as well as those you know nothing about. And since you're the professional, you need to know -even when you don't. At Sevuna, we understand the challenges business professionals encounter, including the pitfalls that may arise. That's precisely why we're dedicated to offering the education essential for making informed decisions, safeguarding yourself and the business, and fostering responsible growth. Sevuna is an online learning platform designed for business professionals who recognize the importance of advancing their professional knowledge and skills. Whether you're a manager or you're a new entrepreneur, Sevuna has something valuable for you.  From business planning, to marketing, to sales, our platform equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the business world successfully. 

Don't leave your success to chance;
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support in making informed decisions.

How do I keep personal stress from affecting my work performance?

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How do I know if I’m making the right decision?

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How do I know if I have what it takes to become an Entrepreneur?

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Why isn’t a paycheck enough to keep our employees happy? 

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How do I align
everyone in our company?

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How can I get our product to stand out from the competition?

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When should I
secure a

coming soon!

How can I avoid
legal problems
with employees?

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How can I get employees to listen
to me?

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How do I decide my bottom line in a negotiation? 

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What’s more important in an employee, attitude or skill?

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How do I build rapport
with prospective