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EOS: A Conversation Beyond the Basics

Join Elie Goldring for a thought-provoking conversation as he delves into the world of EOS. Discover its inception, explore its core principles, and gain practical insights. Elie also shares strategies for maximizing its benefits for your business.


Creator: Elie Goldring

Professional EOS Implementer,
EOS Worldwide

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Part 1   EOS: Exploring Core Concepts    16 min

Part 2   27 min

Part 3   18 min

Part 2   27 min

Part 3   18 min

About The Instructor

Course Overview

Dive into an insightful conversation with Elie Goldring through this engaging 3-part video series, where he explores the inception, creation, and fundamental principles of EOS. Goldring shares his personal discovery of EOS and its profound impact, underscoring the pivotal role of the People Component and effective leadership structures within businesses. From aligning team values to fostering alignment and accountability through Level 10 meetings, this series is sprinkled with insights into how EOS can change your business, alongside book recommendations for a more thorough understanding of EOS principles.
Embark on a transformative journey with Yosi Heber in this enlightening 4-part video series as he explores the essence of marketing. Discover the critical synergy between your marketing strategy, business plan, and sales strategies, and explore how a well-crafted marketing plan can expand market share, boost revenue, enhance products, and elevate company valuation. 


Navigating Accountability

People Component

Elevate Team Performance

Integrator vs. Visionary

Know your unique strengths

Course Overview

Embark on a transformative journey with Yosi Heber in this enlightening 4-part video series as he explores the essence of marketing. Discover the critical synergy between your marketing strategy, business plan, and sales strategies, and explore how a well-crafted marketing plan can expand market share, boost revenue, enhance products, and elevate company valuation.

Uncover the art of brand differentiation and strategic positioning in a competitive market, followed by valuable insights into consumer market research and the art of identifying unmet needs to fulfill within the market. Unravel the power of the Four P's of Marketing—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion—as they collectively lay the foundation for a robust marketing strategy. Join us in elevating your marketing knowledge and transforming the trajectory of your business success.
Elie Goldring, a second-generation entrepreneur and the visionary behind HOPE Organization, draws from over 20 years of experience to empower individuals to achieve their aspirations. Despite grappling with dyslexia early in his career, Elie discovered his passion for sales, eventually rising to become a seasoned salesman and team leader. Driven by a profound desire to make a difference, Elie founded HOPE, a charitable organization providing crucial assistance to families in crisis, impacting over 150 families to date. It was through his work with HOPE that Elie encountered EOS, a system he found deeply inspiring, leading him to embrace his role as an Implementer. Motivated by Gino Wickman's "TRACTION," Elie now dedicates himself to guiding fellow entrepreneurs toward their maximum potential, fueled by his unwavering commitment to empowerment and growth.

Elie Goldring, EOS Implementer
EOS Worldwide

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